*Coming Soon – January 23, 2025, 6 pm, in the FAC
Thursday Night Worship Service!
*Sunday School, 9am Sundays
*Worship Service, 10 am Sundays
*Coffee with the Pastor, 9 am Mondays
*Choir Practice Wed. at 5 pm
*Thursday at 9 am, Crochet class in the fellowship hall
*Thursday at 10 am, Intentional Prayer in the Sanctuary, come and go.
*Bible Study Thurs. at 11 am
*Grace Men, Men’s Ministry, Men’s Thursday Breakfast at 8 to 10 am, 4th Thur. of each month
*We will soon lose Ms. Dianne, our organist and pianist extraordinaire! If you know someone who would like to help in this ministry, please let the pastor know. Thank You.
Upcoming Event Details
Choir Practice – Wednesday’s at 5 pm. Come help us make a “Joyful Noise”! This is a great time to join the choir, we would love to have you. No “Try-Outs”! Just a desire to sing from the heart. Catch Don for details.
Men’s Club meeting 4th Thursday, at 8 am. We’d love to have you there! We solve many world problems there but need your input!
LCG Prayer Ministry – If you would like to be part of the LCG Prayer ministry, call the office to be put on the call list. You will receive a phone call from the church via “Call Multiplier” when your prayers are needed. We are a church full of prayerful Christians, serving a listening God! Thursday mornings at 11, we have prayer in the Sanctuary. This is come and go, stay as long as you like.
Reminder that we have Sunday School at 9 am Sundays. Want to learn more about what pleases God, and how to grow closer to Him everyday? This is a great place to start!